The five steps on my path to giving up alcohol

Alexei Sorokin
3 min readMay 17, 2024

These weren’t by the way ‘exact’ steps. My path was winding. There was no exact blueprint to follow. But here’s what worked.

Advice #1.

Do a ‘dry’ month, or two-to-three dry weeks. Do not overanalyze why you’re doing it. Do not have high expectations. Do not set goals. You’re not giving up anything. You’re experimenting.

Why experiment? Well, why not? We try new habits, we detox, we try to lose weight, and we experiment with our nutrition. Going dry for a few weeks won’t change your life but it might…



Alexei Sorokin

A Russian immigrant in America, father of 4, Cambridge and Harvard Business School alum. I run and write every day.