Thanks for all your comments. I want to clarify something (based on some feedback). The point was not speculate on what happens exactly on May 9th (it probably came out that way - and not much happened so blame me for click bait writing if you wish!) but to communicate that the world continues to live in fear over Putin’s next step. And he remains unpredictable. Many didn’t believe he’d invade Ukraine. Or when the Crimea invasion happened initially Russia denied (lied!) it had soldiers there. Whatever Putin or his press secretary say, is impossible to trust or interpret because of the history of lies. The point of my story was that we continue to live in fear and uncertainty about what happens next and the fears are justified, because what goes in Putin’s head is impossible to understand; what seemed unimaginable before is today’s reality. In the mean time the Russian propaganda factory is continuing to do its job, switching to ever higher gears.