OMG, I thought Tucker Carlson’s visit to Moscow was reasonable until I saw his latest horse-shit videos

Alexei Sorokin
4 min readFeb 16, 2024

Is he dumb, playing dump, or manipulating his fellow American citizens as if they are idiots?

So I thought his interview with Putin was okay, both in its intent and the outcome. By intent, I’m referring to my unwavering support of free speech, even if it involves giving voice to the most divisive and controversial individuals on Earth. As for the outcome, it exposed, although not necessarily revealing anything new, Putin’s megalomania, which is tragically destroying not one, but several nations concurrently. I think the interview will quickly fade into irrelevance.

Then Carlson recorded a video, praising the cleanness and beauty of one of Moscow’s subway stations and comparing it to the filthy West. He mentions how it was built during the Stalin era. He explains that he’s not endorsing Stalin (thanks for clarifying), but this, but that. How is Russia, the supposed mafia state, so good and clean, and the West is not?

How Carlson tried to add depth to this trivial subway observation is so dumb. Or manipulative. Or both.

There are so many obvious explanations.



Alexei Sorokin

A Russian immigrant in America, father of 4, Cambridge and Harvard Business School alum. I run and write every day.