I’m setting a new marathon goal: sub 2.30

Alexei Sorokin
2 min readFeb 28, 2024

The title says it all.

I’m going all in with my running. It’s my passion and if I aim high, I aim high.

This guy in this picture is me. I’m 29. Athens 2009. Going through the usual pain of the final stretch of a marathon. Finish time. 4.14.

I wouldn’t run another marathon for over a decade. I had always enjoyed running but wasn’t ‘serious’ about it, whatever ‘serious’ means.

Year 2020 — Enters the pandemic. I’m forty. I start to run more, not because I suddenly have a goal. It just happens. I run more. I lose weight. I discover intervals. I become consistent at running. I improve a lot.

October 2021 — I run my first sub-3-hour marathon.

I then run four more sub-3-hour marathons, improving every time. My most recent time is 2.43 (Surf City Marathon, February 2024). Should’ve been a bit faster if not for the wind.

There is still a lot of work to do to get under 2.40.

And now 2.30?

If you’re not a runner, you probably don’t understand how dramatic the difference is between a 2.40 marathon and a 2.30. It’s…



Alexei Sorokin

A Russian immigrant in America, father of 4, Cambridge and Harvard Business School alum. I run and write every day. https://runningwritingliving.substack.com/