I have a specific idea about how to make the world more peaceful

Alexei Sorokin
4 min readMar 11, 2022

A few days ago I was exchanging emails with a client I’m consulting. I was sharing the acute pain about Russia’s terrible war on Ukraine. I’m Russian with a lot of Ukrainian roots. I got this reply (redacted slightly)

It is hugely tragic for both the Russian (people) and the Ukrainians

I worked in Russia for a year at … (a closed town called …), and as the only foreigner in a town of 22,000 people found them hugely welcoming, proud of their traditions and heritage — and notably, with a



Alexei Sorokin

A Russian immigrant in America, father of 4, Cambridge and Harvard Business School alum. I run and write every day. https://runningwritingliving.substack.com/