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Do we all have a calling? How do we discover it?
Was tennis Roger Federer’s calling?
Was singing Bono’s calling?
Was writing J.K. Rowling’s calling?
Were they lucky to discover it? Did parents help? I remember Bono writing in his memoir about how his late mother actively rejected his emerging curiosity in music and hindered his attempts to explore musical instruments. He found his calling anyway. And, importantly, he was able to make a living doing what he loved, though the journey to success was by no means guaranteed.
What is it, anyway, this concept of “calling”? What if it’s some subjective construct that’s easy to point to only in hindsight when the path to success has already been walked? Or can we demystify and despiritualize it and agree that we all have unique talents and pre-dispositions that are pre-programmed in our DNA?
Also, not all callings are created equal. If you are born to be a lepidopterist, good luck finding the right life model.
I wish I knew the answers. Amidst my long-lasting career struggles, I am digging deeper into the question of whether I have a calling.
I excelled academically in my teenage years. By excelling, I mean achieving uncompromising excellence. I’m not bragging. It wasn’t easy, by the way, and I wasn’t talented at anything. I was a foreigner at school in England. English was my second language. I just worked hard.