Member-only story
Busy day, boring story, but I don’t miss my writing. Or running.
This will be a boring story, be warned. But I must write it. Not every run is memorable, not every story is high quality. But I’m committed to consistency in these two activities!
I’ll just write about my last twenty-fours. Whether anyone gives a crap — I don’t know! Probably not.
Last night I was flying from California’s Orange County to Louisiana, where my wife is with our twins — they are playing in a tennis tournament.
There is a boring story (but a story nonetheless) to tell just there — about my travel. I was flying through Las Vegas and was supposed to arrive in New Orleans just after midnight. As I arrived at the Orange Country Airport and decided to check my two digital boarding passes, I was puzzled by the second one: the departure from Las Vegas was being shown as 7 am. Out of nowhere, there was an entire night to spend in Las Vegas. I fumed at Spirit Airlines. Damn jerks, they changed my second flight and didn’t notify me. I vented my frustration at the lady at the check-in counter but she said I’d have to call Spirit’s customer service. My boarding was about to start so I had no choice but to go through security and attempt to deal with the fuckers at Spirit at the last minute. Luckily I got through to a live agent pretty fast and I was able to explain the situation. I was ordering them to rebook me on a sooner flight because my reservation had been changed and no one notified me.