Am I forever destined to think (and write) about Russia that once was, no longer is?

Alexei Sorokin
2 min readSep 27, 2022

There was so much hope in the nineties. The irony: the darkest decade in modern Russia’s history, full of crime and turbulence, yet there was so much hope. The country was loved by the world: young, broke, and often troubled, yet there was so much hope. It was like an unruly teenager. Often ugly, but you hoped the turbulence would pass.

When I was a kid, I swam a bit. In the nineties, my hero was Alex Popov. Super fast, handsome, gracious. Beating America’s Gary Hall!

I loved Anna Kournikova too!

I am an avid lover of Western pop and rock music. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, I discovered everything — absolutely everything — that shapes my identity to this very date. Movies, music, all things creative, all things authentic, my love for freedom, and being able to express myself in whatever way I want.



Alexei Sorokin
Alexei Sorokin

Written by Alexei Sorokin

A Russian immigrant in America, father of 4, Cambridge and Harvard Business School alum. I run and write every day.

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